P-Tech - Restaurant Food Delivery Website With Admin Panel + App

Do you need multi restaurant food delivery website for your business, complete system developed using Laravel and Flutter frameworks. It includes 120+ features with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin Panel, Restaurant Panel, Landing Website, Web App, User App, Restaurant App and Delivery Man App). You can

GHS¢(100 - 5000) From   GHS¢100

Certified Service Provider
P-Tech Service
Greater Accra Region, Ghana
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P-Tech Service

P-Tech Service is your go-to partner for elevating your digital footprint. We specialize in Social Media Management and cutting-edge App Development services. Our goal is to enhance your online presence, engage your audience, and provide innovative digital solutions tailored to your needs.

Mobile :+233 244491952

Location : Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Our Services

Do you need multi restaurant food delivery website for your business, complete system developed using Laravel and Flutter frameworks. It includes 120+ features with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin Panel, Restaurant Panel, Landing Website, Web App, User App, Restaurant App and Delivery Man App). You can reinvent the way of food ordering and delivery with its superb admin panel. It readymade and highly responsive mobile apps, you’ll get a seamless user experience for sure and installation. Content for DEMO to TEST.



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