Fas - CCTV Camera Installation, Repairs and Maintenance

Outdoor & Indoor Security Camera installation Beadack Security provides CCTV installation in Ghana and maintenance in both commercial and residential settings. We carry the top brands and the latest products. Our products and services come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The systems we have are

GHS¢(2000 - 50000) From   GHS¢2000

Certified Service Provider
Fas Group
Greater Accra Region, Ghana
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Fas Group

BEADACK DCB COMPANY LIMITED Is a technology firm that renders security services in tech (smart security) and also dealer in servilance systems

Mobile :+233 246490036

Location : Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Our Services

Outdoor & Indoor Security Camera installation Beadack Security provides CCTV installation in Ghana and maintenance in both commercial and residential settings. We carry the top brands and the latest products. Our products and services come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The systems we have are top-notch and provide high-quality visuals so you can have the clearest picture of what is going on around your property.



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