Codewrite - School Management Software for All Schools

The system streamlines student admissions and provides access to print admission forms. Guardian registration allows monitoring of student performance, payment records, and online bill payment (school fees, feeding, transport). It also grants access to past report cards and assessments. Teachers hav

GHS¢(1000 - 50000) From   GHS¢1000

Certified Service Provider
Codewrite Technology Ltd.
Ashanti Region, Ghana
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Codewrite Technology Ltd.

We aim at improving the lives of people through technology

Mobile :+233 553035684

Location : Ashanti Region, Ghana

Our Services

The system streamlines student admissions and provides access to print admission forms. Guardian registration allows monitoring of student performance, payment records, and online bill payment (school fees, feeding, transport). It also grants access to past report cards and assessments. Teachers have a dedicated portal for grading, assessing subjects, marking attendance, and more. The system's account section manages reports, tracks expenses, revenues, income, petty cash, and generates various financial reports.



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